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About us

Our team was founded in 2018

The Music Boxing Machine was founded by Beth McLoughLing, a boxing enthusiast who discovered a fun way to release stress and lose weight using music. As a busy professional, she realized the need for a convenient and effective way to exercise at home and the idea for The Music Boxing Machine was born.

Our brand is dedicated to helping individuals who need to find a way to release stress after work and those with a strong desire to lose weight but lack the time to go to the gym. We offer a unique combination of boxing and music to create a fun and effective workout experience.

At The Music Boxing Machine, we have a team of professional coaches who provide online boxing lessons with detailed explanations to ensure that every user gets the most out of their workout. We offer a wide range of music options for users to play along with, making the experience more engaging and enjoyable.

Our brand is all about creating a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for boxing and music. Through our online community, users can make friends and connect with others who have the same interests.

Our mission is to provide a fun and convenient way for individuals to release stress, lose weight, and lead happier lives. With The Music Boxing Machine, users can achieve their fitness goals in an interesting and engaging way, all from the comfort of their own homes. Join us and experience the benefits of our unique approach to fitness.

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